Fly through IT audits with evidence collection on autopilot.
No access history
Companies have no record of access requests, approvals, or removals from their teams.
Missing context
Colleagues who have to contribute to audits lack insights into granted and rejected access requests.
Evidence chaos
Audit evidence collection is a painful process with screenshots,  spreadsheets and tickets.
Access Logs
Auto-track the history of every access request, approval, and removal in detailed logs.
Full context
Get all relevant insights on why permissions were granted or rejected in one central place.
Auto evidence:
Pass your ISO 27001, SOC 2, or TISAX audit with automated access evidence collection.
«We are ISO 27001 certified. Preparing for audits used to be extremely painful. Cakewalk provides us with fully compliant Access Management, including a complete access history, which is invaluable for audits»
Noah Blesch
IT Operations Manager at Workpath
Get going with Cakewalk -
it’s a piece of cake.
Over 4000 apps supported with zero manual integration effort
Auto-sync all of your users with 45+ native HRIS integrations
Get going within minutes and roll out in your company within days
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