Limited visibility
Companies don’t know what tools are being used by their employees, making Access Reviews impossible.
Distributed reviews
To run a review, IT manually checks access and permissions for every user, moving from app to app.
Chaotic removal
After a review, IT teams have to chase multiple stakeholders from various teams to remove access.
Full visibility
Get full visibility into every app your employees access as the baseline for regular Access Reviews.
Single source of truth
Easily review all access rights in one place and revoke permissions where needed.
Seamless removal
Automatically trigger all required removal tasks and see their status in real-time.
«We are ISO 27001 certified, so regular Access Reviews are mandatory for us. With Cakewalk we can easily run this in a fully compliant manner, and remove all unused seats to guarantee least privilege.»
Onur Kutlu

Head of Finance at Heyflow
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