Get complete visibility over every single app access of your employees.
Shadow IT
Companies have limited transparency into which apps their employees are using and therefore overpay.
SSO dependency
SSO serves as the main source for access tracking, but it always delivers an incomplete picture.
Security issues
User over-provisioning leads to significant security and compliance risks in companies.
Full visibility
Spot every single access, remove unused seats and consolidate your app stack by over 25%.
Beyond SSO
Go beyond SSO for access tracking with Cakewalk’s employee-friendly browser extension.
Least privilege
Guarantee least privilege with real-time alerts for every single unapproved app access.
“We used to track app access with manual spreadsheets that were mostly out of sync. Cakewalk is automating this for us, providing real-time visibility and alerts for access without authorization.”
Rocci Berge
System & Cloud Collaboration Administrator at Celebrate
Get going with Cakewalk -
it’s a piece of cake.
Over 4000 apps supported with zero manual integration effort
Auto-sync all of your users with 45+ native HRIS integrations
Get going within minutes and roll out in your company within days
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