Talk the Walk.

Insights, news, and stories from Cakewalk.

Cakewalk's cupcake logo stylized as a police officer

Get the new standard in easy Access Management.

Access Requests

Give your employees the apps they need. And still keep full control.

With self-service access requests via your tailored app catalog.

Access Requests

Stop tracking apps in spreadsheets. Get complete visibility over all your employees’ apps with real-time alerts for every single identity access.


Stop tracking apps in spreadsheets. Get complete visibility over all your employees’ apps with real-time alerts for every single identity access.

On- & Offboarding

Make role-based access for new joiners easy. And finally remove 100% of seats during offboarding with automated provisioning flows.

Access Reviews

Run Access Review at the click of a button to guarantee least privilege. And fly through IT audits with evidence collection on autopilot.


Run Access Review at the click of a button to guarantee least privilege. And fly through IT audits with evidence collection on autopilot.

Better productivity

Cut your time spent on Access Management by 85%.


Stronger security

Introduce least privilege and reduce your app stack by 25%.


Simpler compliance

Fly through IT audits in no time with automated access evidence.

Ben logo in black
BIT Captial logo
Bambuser logo
Workpath logo
Heyflow logo
Project B logo in Black
Company logo of Edgefolio
Logo of
Unwired Networks logo
Kombo logo in black
re:cap logo
Brady logo in black
Lykon logo in black
Superscript logo
Candis logo
Thrive logo in black
Logo of visiolab
Jester logo
Ben logo in black
BIT Captial logo
Bambuser logo
Workpath logo
Heyflow logo
Project B logo in Black
Company logo of Edgefolio
Logo of
Unwired Networks logo
Logo of visiolab
Jester logo
Kombo logo in black
re:cap logo
Brady logo in black
Lykon logo in black
Superscript logo
Candis logo
Thrive logo in black
Ben logo in black
BIT Captial logo
Bambuser logo
Workpath logo
Heyflow logo
Project B logo in Black
Company logo of Edgefolio
Logo of
Unwired Networks logo
Brady logo in black
re:cap logo
Kombo logo in black
Lykon logo in black
Superscript logo
Candis logo
Thrive logo in black
Logo of visiolab
Jester logo